Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 9: Day 1

Run: 2.5 miles
Time: 25 min

Best: Just a little treadmill jog before my bootcamp class.
Worst: Didn't really have time to go any farther but I could have easily

Lesson Learned: I like my running shoes! I was running in my aerobics shoes and it was just not the same!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 8: Day2

Run: 8 miles (did you catch that?!?)
Time: who gives a crap- I ran 8 miles!! But it was around 1hr and 25 min with one bathroom break

Best: Um- yeah you guessed it finishing the run strong.

Worst: Oh man that was work but I had fun so who cares.

Lesson Learned: I offically got back together with running. I guess sometimes you have to give it a second chance.

Week 8: Day 1

Run: 3.5 miles
Time: 30 min (I'm guessing cause I forget to time it)

Best: I felt better about running again because as you know if you've been following this blog running and I went through a rough period for a week or so.

Worst: I fought for this one because I wanted to do it.

Lesson Learned: Never give up on something even if it gets hard.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 7: Day 4

Run: 4 mile walk with little mini-runs throughout
Time: 40 min

Best: It was a beautiful day out and there were birds chirping with the sun shining.

Worst: I keep feeling like I can't breathe. I start running and then get chest tightness and shortness of breath.

Lesson Learned: I'm not sure what I learned yet other than that I'm frustrated with this right now. I don't want to have to give up but it's like my body doesn't want to do this anymore. Annoying!

Week 7: Day 3

Run: Well it was supposed to be 7 miles but we only ended up running 3.5 of that
Time: 1 hr 20 min

Best: Getting back to the car and being able to sit down
Worst: It was so windy- like running into a wall. We could neither one breathe because of the wind. We were just forced to stop.

Lesson Learned: I feel like I'm breaking up with running. Really, lately it's been like no matter how far I try to go I can't do it. I don't understand why this is happening since we've been training and preparing to get to this point. I had even started to enjoy running and then all the sudden it's like I've just regessed back to couch to 5k style.

Week 7: Day 2

Run: 2 mile
Time: 21 minutes

Best: This was a treadmill run and there wasn't much to it...

Lesson Learned: This was not the best week for me and running and since I didn't writ this right after the run it's hard to have perspective about how it went.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 7: Day 1

Run: 4.5 miles
Time: 49 min

Best: Running with Liz, running downtown, and finishing the run

Worst: We had to run into the wind almost the entire time. I just kept thinking whch way is it blowing because I want to go that way. No matter where we turned it seemed to be headed straight towards us. It was the cold bitter type of wind too...yuck!

Lesson Learned: It might be the cold bitter wind on the day of the race and f it is I'll know I can do it! Although I hope it's warner than 35 degrees in April or I will be one sad girl! Also, we decide to start scheduling little breaks for ourselves in order to develop the habbit at certain mile marks. We think this will help us actually finish the race. That is all that matters considering we are unconcerned with time.