Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 3: Day 1

Run: 4 miles
Time: Around 44 minutes (maybe a little less but I forgot to check)


Worst: Okay started by saying I finished because of the complaints that I'm about to list. If you hate complainers stop reading now... It was cold, I felt sick, I had shin splints, we were two days behind schedule because it snowed, we had to run in the snow, and did I mention it was cold!

Lessons Learned: I'm a big whiny baby sometimes! haha! But seriously I sucked it up and did it anyway and that's what counts! I'm proud of myself for not giving in and quitting because today was hard work!

Week 2- Day 3

Run: 2 miles
Time: just under 20 min

Best: I booked it on that treadmill. I felt powerful and confident and got done quickly.

Worst: It was on a treadmill which I don't really mind but I needed a worst and this was a great run! :)

Lesson Learned: Some days are great!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2- Day 2

Run: 3 miles
Time: a very solid 30 min

- Running with Liz
-Running despite my shin splints: they hurt so bad that I ran faster to get done sooner, thus pushing me to pass my fastest mile...ironic!!
- Almost keeping up with the runner guys that passed us (I think they were surprised that we could stay on their tails

- Getting shin splints...they suck!
- Running despite the oversized puddles that seemed more like lakes
Lessons Learned: the most unexpected things can make you better (ie shin splints)

Week 2- Day 1

Run: 3 miles
Time: 31 min (okay so I'm a day behind with my journal and I don't really remember but I'm sure it was around that)

Best: starting week 2
Worst: Running on the readmil because of the rain. What is this crappy weather about? I'm not a fan!

Lesson: I feel better about myself when I'm done.

Hey- only 11 weeks to go!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 1- Day 4

I have successfully finished week 1!! At this point I am so confident! I can totally do this!

Run: 4 miles
Time: 41 min

Best: The nice people in the workout room. You'll know why when you read "worst"!
Hearing Tiger Wood's voice at the end of my run telling me that I completed my fastest mile!! Go me! I've never thought I'd want to hear his voice. I was wrong- it sounded so good!

Worst: It was raining so I ran inside at my apartment on the treadmill The stupid thing randomly stopped after I had completed 1.8 miles. Yes, that's right, it stopped my flow half way through the run. Total bummer! But some nice girl, hearing my goal and seeing my sad face, let me use her treadmill to finish. The apartment guy's assumed cause of the problem...I was just going too fast. Let me assure you sir- I was NOT going THAT fast!

Lesson Learned: People are good. Even if something tries to stop me I have to find a way to finish the run!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week 1- Day 3

So I feel silly blogging about running two miles but I know I'm on a journey here and this will be important somewhere down the line.

Run: 2 miles in 21 minutes

Best: Running somewhere I haven't in awhile. I ran through a park I used to love a fews years ago and it was a short run so that was nice.

Worst: To be honest- I sucked it up today! I know that this is bound to happen from time to time but I sure was not expecting it on my short run. I think it's because I knew in my head that I was only going to run for 20 min and so I didn't focus. I mean there are a million other excuses but ultimately it's about going on the next run cause this one is OVER!

Lessons Learned: Don't get ahead of yourself. Run in the moment and treat every run as a serious commitment. I need to own every step.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 1- Day 2

Run: 3 miles in 32 minutes

Best: Getting to run with my running buddy, Liz

Worst: Construction delays- We would have done it in 30 if it weren't for that bulldozer!

Lesson learned: Sometimes you need a friend to run with you

Today we started chatting about how long 13 miles really is and even after thinking about it I was still excited and feeling positive about making this commitment.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 1

Day one: 01/16/10

Run: 3 miles in 31 min followed by a 1.5 mile walk

- Getting to run outside after one solid month of torturous treadmill time
- The ducks playing on the frozen lake
- Smiling at friendly people on the trail

- Forgetting my water at home
- Running into the wind on the last part of the run

Lessons Learned:
- I CAN do this. It's mental!
- I cannot quit something because I'm scared of it
- I control the run, not the other way around.
- I'm blessed to be able to run


Hello everyone,

The purpose of this blog is to help me run a half marathon. This is a feat that feels overwhelming, scary, and challenging; so I've decided to do it. I've got 12 weeks, as I plan to run a race in the end f April. I know learning to run that distance is not always going to be pretty so I've decided to track my progress. If you have suggestions, motivational tips, or just want to encourage me please comment. Otherwise leave my sore, tired, winded self alone!

Here I go...